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Halachos for Sunday, November 20, 2022


We will now begin, with Hashem’s help, to review some of the Halachos of Muktzeh on Shabbos and Yom Tov.


This topic can be complex, and contain many Halachos that are the subject of dispute among the Rishonim as well as among contemporary Poskim. Also, very often, one small detail in a situation can change the facts and thus change the Halacha, thus making it difficult, at times, to establish the practical Halacha L’ma’aseh in one case vs. another similar case.


We will endeavor to present the Halachos in a simple and clear way, and try and provide all sides of any issues where the Halachic authorities differ. As with all Halacha topics we present, it is important for all readers to remember that we are only presenting these for learning purposes, as for a Halacha L’Ma’aseh ruling, each individual must consult their own Rav.


Our collective Tefilah to the Ribono Shel Olam is that He grant us the wisdom to understand His holy Torah, and help us know its laws so that we can live our lives – every Shabbos and every day - according to His will. Amen.




“Muktzeh” literally means “Set Aside”.


There are many categories of Muktzeh, and many criteria that differ based on what category of Muktzeh something falls under. However, all Muktzeh items are things that may not be moved on Shabbos, unless we find an acceptable reason, or an indirect way, to override this prohibition in specific cases.


The prohibition to move Muktzeh items is referred to in Halacha as “Isur Tiltul – the prohibition of moving”, as it is only prohibited to move items that are deemed Muktzeh, as just touching such items, without moving them is not forbidden. (Though some Poskim maintain that there are 2 separate prohibitions; a) Muktzeh and b) Tiltul of utensils, most Poskim consider these as one and the same, and discuss their many facets under the one heading of Muktzeh. See Ritva to Shabbos 124 and Biur Hagra Yoreh Deah Siman 266:3)


Muktzeh is a rabbinically decreed gezeirah (edict). There are various reasons given for this decree.


The Talmud (Shabbos 124b) states that the prohibition was put in place as Chazal were worried that people would carry items from one domain to another on Shabbos (a biblical prohibition of Hotza’ah) and thus they limited the movement of many items so that they don’t end up being transported from one domain to another on Shabbos. (This is also how the Ra’avad , in his objections to the Rambam Hilchos Shabbos Perek 24:12 holds)


The Rambam (Hilchos Shabbos Perek 24:12 and 13) maintains that the edict of Muktzeh was an extension of the Nevi’im’s (prophets) edict of “V’Dabru Davar” (Yeshayahu 58:13), where they required the speech of Shabbos to be different than the speech of weekdays, and the traveling of Shabbos to be different than the traveling on weekdays; certainly the moving of utensils and objects on Shabbos must be different than that of weekdays. All of these “differences” were put in place to ensure that the holy day of Shabbos would not be the same as any other day of the week.


Furthermore, and specifically as it relates to moving utensils, differentiating which utensils and objects may be moved, would prevent people from moving these utensils from place to place and/or fixing these utensils if they broke (which often can be a biblical or rabbinical prohibition on Shabbos), especially given that people are home on Shabbos, and often find themselves with nothing else to do to occupy their time, and would thus transgress the Torah’s mandate to rest on Shabbos.


Moreover, writes the Rambam, there are those individuals who do not work during the weekdays, and sit home idly all day, all week, and thus if it would be permitted to travel and move items on Shabbos in the same manner as during the week, there would be no apparent difference between their schedules on Shabbos vs. their schedules the rest of the week, thus Chazal forbade many activities and dictated which items may not be moved freely. (See also Mishna Berura’s introduction to Siman 308)

1)   Muktzeh items are divided into various categories. The primary categories are:


a.    Muktzeh Machmas Gufo (Intrinsically Muktzeh due to having no use on Shabbos)


b.   Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis (Muktzeh due to its value or significance)


c.    Kli SheMelacto L’Isur (A utensil whose purpose is to do a Melacha that is prohibited on Shabbos)


d.   Kli SheMelachto L’Heter (A utensil whose purpose is to do a Melacha that is allowed to be done on Shabbos)


e.    Bosis L’Davar Ha’Asur (A non Muktzeh item which is supporting a Muktzeh item on it)


f.      Muktzeh Machmas Mitzvah (Muktzeh due to a Mitzvah that will be done with it)


g.    Nolad (An item that came into being on Shabbos)


h.   Muktzeh Machmas Mi’us (A repulsive item)


As we progress in this topic, B’Ezras Hashem, we will see more details of each of the aforementioned categories.


2)   Moving Muktzeh items can be done in various ways, and the way in which it is moved, can impact the permissibility of moving the items, in various situations.


The main categories of how items are moved are:

a.    Directly moving Muktzeh


b.   Indirectly moving Muktzeh (Tiltul Min HaTzad)


c.    Moving Muktzeh with a body part other than with hands (K’Lachar Yad)


d.  Blowing Muktzeh items


Keep these categories and terms in mind as we progress in this topic, as they will all impact each situation’s ruling.

Halachos for Monday, November 21, 2022


1) The Halachos of Muktzeh apply to Shabbos as well as to Yom Tov.


In certain cases, Muktzeh can even be more stringent on Yom Tov than on Shabbos. This is especially true for Sephardim who rule like the Bet Yoseph (See Shulchan Aruch and Rama Siman 495:4 and Mishna Berura S”K 16. See also Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Siman 99:1. We will discuss this more at length as we progress in this topic)

2) When Yom Tov falls out on Shabbos, some Poskim give everything the stringencies of Yom Tov, while other Poskim treat it like every other Shabbos. (See Shmiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 21:22 and Shu”t Rav Pe’alim, from the Ben Ish Chai, Vol 1 Siman 30 and Sefer Nitei Gavriel ; Yom Tov Vol. 1 Siman 24:4)


Halachos for Tuesday, November 22, 2022


1) Originally, when the prohibition of Muktzeh was enacted, it was forbidden to move virtually all utensils, regardless of their intended use, even if the purpose of the utensil was to do something that was permitted to do on Shabbos. (Kli She’Melachto L’Heter)


2) With time, the Chachamim made numerous adjustments to the gezeira, and ultimately left it in place as it pertains to utensils whose designated use was for a melacha that was prohibited to do on Shabbos (Kli She’Melachto L’Isur), and only allowed these to be moved where it was necessary to do so a) L’Tzorech Gufo (i.e. using this utensil for a melacha that is permitted on Shabbos) or b) L’Tzorech Mekomo (i.e. you need to use the place where the utensil is lying, thus you can move it to vacate that space) (See Talmud Shabbos 123b)

Halachos for Wednesday, November 23, 2022


1) The allowance of moving a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur applies only for a) L’Tzorech Gufo or b) L’Tzorech Mekomo, and not for other seemingly necessary reasons.


Thus, a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur may not be moved [in a regular manner] to protect the body of the utensil from getting ruined or stolen.


2) It is also important to keep in mind that the dispensation for moving Muktzeh when it is a) L’Tzorech Gufo or b) L’Tzorech Mekomo, only applies to the variety of Muktzeh that falls under the heading of Kli SheMelachto L’Isur.


Other categories of Muktzah (Machmas Gufo, Machmas Chisaron Kis etc.) do not have this leniency, and may not be moved [in a regular manner) even L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo.


Halachos for Thursday, November 24, 2022


1) Some common examples of a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, a utensil whose primary use is for a task that is prohibited to do on Shabbo, include a hammer, a screwdriver, a needle, and a pen.


2) A Kli SheMelachto L’Isur may not be moved on Shabbos for no reason, even though there are some permitted uses for this utensil.


It may be moved if being used for a permitted use. Some examples of a permitted use for a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, include using a hammer to crack open walnuts, or using a needle to remove a splinter from a finger. (If a different non-Muktzeh utensil is available, such as a nutcracker for the walnuts, or a toothpick for the splinter, it is better to use that item. We will discuss this more in detail as we progress in this topic B'Ezras Hashem)


These uses are permitted, as they are deemed L’Tzorech Gufo ( i.e. using this utensil for a melacha that is permitted on Shabbos, as it is permissible to crack open nuts on Shabbos, and it is permissible to remove a splinter on Shabbos)


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, November 25, 2022 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1) A Kli SheMelachto L’Isur may be moved if the place where it is sitting is needed to be used.


Some examples of this include moving a screwdriver off a table if you want to use the table to eat on, or moving a pen off a bed if you want to lie down in the bed, or moving an empty pot off a chair if you want to sit down on the chair.

2) These are permitted, as they are deemed L’Tzorech Mekomo (i.e. you need to use the place where the utensil is located, for a permissible use, thus you can move it to vacate that space) (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 308:3)


Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh


1) When a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur is being moved for a halachically sanctioned reason (i.e. it’s being done L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo) once it is in your hands, it may be taken to and placed in another location, as desired. There is no obligation to do this hurriedly, or to drop it in the nearest location. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 308:3)


2) According to some Poskim (including the Mogen Avrohom) , even if the Kli SheMelachto L’Isur was picked up inadvertently or mistakenly, once you are holding it you may already place it down somewhere else in any desired place. (Unlike other categories of Muktzah, that must be dropped immediately if you find yourself holding them. See Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 13)


Other Poskim (including the Gaon of Vilna) , however, maintain that the allowance to move it to any desired place, only applies to when it was picked up in a permitted way, and does not apply to when it was not allowed to be picked up in the first place. (See Mishna Berura ibid.)


Halachos for Sunday, November 27, 2022


1) A utensil is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur regardless if the Melacha that it is primarily intended for is prohibited biblically, or if it is prohibited Rabbinically.


Thus a needle (whose intended use is for sewing, a biblically prohibited Melacha) and a flute (whose intended use is for producing music, a rabbinically prohibited Melacha) are equally considered Keilim SheMelachtam L’Isur, and are equally Muktzeh to move.

2) Furthermore, even if a utensil does not perform any actual melacha, rather it is used to store Mukzteh items in it, such as an empty wallet which is intended to hold money, it is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur (See Rama Siman 310: 7. If the wallet has money it, it will be a more stringent variety of Muktzeh; we will discuss that more in detail as we progress in this topic B’Ezras Hashem)


Halachos for Monday, November 28, 2022


1) If the reason an item is not used on Shabbos is not due to its own use being an actual Melacha, rather it is not used due to Maris Ayin (e.g. a clothespin which is only not used on Shabbos, as using it would give the impression that the clothes were washed on Shabbos, which is a prohibited Melacha) it is still treated as a bona fide Kli SheMelachto L’Isur.


2) Moreover, even if the reason the item is not used on Shabbos is not due to its being a prohibited Melacha, rather it is because its use would be a dishonor to the sanctity of Shabbos (e.g. Tefilin, which is not donned on Shabbos as Tefilin are a “sign” of Hashem’s connection to Am Yisroel, and Shabbos and Yom Tov , as well, are a “sign” of this connection. Thus when the “sign” of Shabbos is active it is a dishonor to also display a second “sign” at simultaneously. See Shulchan Aruch and Mishna Berura Siman 31) it is still treated as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, according to some Poskim. (Other Poskim disagree, and treat tefilin as a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter; we will discuss if and how Tefilin may be moved on Shabbos more at length as we progress in this topic)


Halachos for Tuesday, November 29, 2022


1)  A Kli SheMelachto L’Isur that has no permissible use on Shabbos (e.g. a telephone or a camera), according to some Poskim, still retains its status as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur and thus it would be permissible to move it L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo. (See Mogen Avraham Siman 308 S” K 18 and Shulchan Aruch HaRav Siman 308:85. Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal, quoted in sefer Tiltulei Shabbos Chapter 2 footnote 5, ruled this way)


2)  Other Poskim, however, deem this utensil akin to a Muktzeh Machmas Gufo, by virtue of its total uselessness on Shabbos, and do not allow it to be moved [in a regular manner], even L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo. (See Pri Megadim; Aishel Avraham Siman 308:12 and Chazon ish Siman 44:13. See also Shu”t Shevet Haleivi Vol. 3 Siman 32 and Vol. 10 Siman 59)


It is best to be stringent with such a utensil, if possible. In extenuating circumstances, there is room for leniency. (See Mishna Berua Siman 308 S” K 34 and Sha’ar Hatziyun Siman 279:4 where he seemingly rules lenenetly, yet does bring the more stringent opinion as well.)


Halachos for Wednesday, November 30, 2022


1) The allowance for moving something L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo, only applies to a keli, a utensil.


2) An item which is Melachto L'Isur (its use is for a melacha that is prohibited on Shabbos) but it is not a Kli, a utensil, such as a piece of firewood, a bar of soap, shoe polish or similar items, may not be moved [in a regular manner] even L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo (See Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 34. See also Sefer Shvus Yitzchok Perek 4:2 that this is the ruling of Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Zichronam L’vracha. See also Addendum to Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 20: 16 for a possible explanation of a more lenient ruling by Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal)


Halachos for Thursday, December 1, 2022


1) A utensil whose intended uses equally include both Melachos that are prohibited on Shabbos, as well as Melachos that are permitted on Shabbos, such as a pocket-tool that includes a knife (which is permitted to use on Shabbos) and a scissor (which is prohibited to use on Shabbos) is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter, and may be moved and used on Shabbos in a regular manner. (for permitted Melachos only, of course)


2) If, however, the utensil is intended mostly for prohibited uses, and only sometimes used for its intended permitted uses, it should be treated as a Kli SheMelacto L’Isur. (See Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 10 and Biur Halacha Siman 308:3 Dibur Hamaschil Kardom.We shall see more about this as we progress in this topic B’Ezras Hashem)


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, December 2, 2022 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1) As we learnt previously, a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur may be moved in a regular manner L’Tzorech Gufo. For example, a hammer needed to crack open walnuts may be picked up, carried to where it is needed and used, in a regular manner, for this permitted use.


2) The above allowance even applies if he does not need this utensil at the present moment; rather there is a very good chance that it will be needed in the place where he is taking it.


Thus, if it is usual for him to use a hammer to crack open walnuts, he may pick up and move the hammer from the tool shelf to near the table where he will be eating, even if he doesn’t know for sure that it will be needed, but there is a decent chance that it will be. (Known in Halacha as “Chazu L’Orchim”; See Talmud Shabbos 124b)


Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh


1) A Kli SheMelachto L’Isur which is situated in a place where it may get ruined or stolen, may usually not be moved [in a regular manner] despite the possibility that it may be damaged or stolen.


2) However, if there is a likely chance that this utensil will be needed at some point during Shabbos, for a permitted use, it may be moved out of danger now, due to its likely use , L’Tzorech Gufo, later on. (See Sefer Tehila L’Dovid Siman 308: 5)


Halachos for Sunday, December 4, 2022


1) A Kli SheMelachto L’Isur may be picked up and moved in a regular manner, if being used to calm a crying or fussy baby, as this too is deemed an acceptable L’Tzorech Gufo use.


Thus, for example, a ring of Muktzeh keys may be jingled to calm the child. (See Tosefos Eiruvin 69a Dibur Hamaschil Keivan)


2) It is important to keep in mind, as we mentioned previously, that the allowance to move and use a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur in a situation where it is L’Tzorech Gufo, is only when no non-Muktzeh alternative is available.


In the event that a non-Muktzeh alternative is available, it must be used, in place of the Muktzeh item.


Thus, in our example , if 2 spoons, or a ring of non-Muktzeh keys is available, the Muktzeh keys may not be utilized to calm the fussy baby (See Mishna Berura Siman 308 S” K 12). However, the non-Muktzeh item must be readily available to require its use.


One is not obligated to go to a neighbor to borrow a non-Muktzeh item; if he doesn’t have it on hand, he can use the Kli SheMelachto L’Isur that he does have handy, as it is deemed L’Tzorech Gufo and permissible to use it. (Ruling of Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal)



Halachos for Monday, December 5, 2022


1) It is permitted to move a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur on behalf of someone else who would like to use it for a permissible use, L’Tzorech Gufo, even if you yourself will not be using it or benefitting from it at all.


2) However,according to most Poskim, this is only permitted when moving it for another Yehudi, as moving it on behalf of an Aino-Yehudi who wants to use it is prohibited, even if he will use it in a way that is permissible on Shabbos. (See Mishna Berura Siman 308 S” K 34 and Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 20 footnote 20)


Halachos for Tuesday, December 6, 2022


1) One is permitted to move a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur on behalf of an animal, when the use is deemed L’Tzorech Gufo. (See Sefer Tehila L’Dovid Siman 305 S”K 7)


2) A Kli SheMelachto L’Isur may only be moved - L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo – if it is for the purposes of using the utensil on Shabbos.


If moving it for use after Shabbos, it is prohibited for any reason.

(In addition to the issue of Hachana, preparing on Shabbos for after Shabbos, which is a prohibition in its own right.) (See Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 20 footnote 20)



Halachos for Wednesday, December 7, 2022


1) If one wants to move a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, but there is no immediate need which would fall under the category of L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo, he may manipulate the situation (known in Halacha as Ha’arama) and generate a situation whereas it would become L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo, and thus permissible to move. (See Mogen Avrohom Siman 308:8)


2) For example, if one sees a cell phone on a table and doesn’t want it there, he may decide to use that table to eat something or learn there, and now that the cellphone is in a place he wants use, it is permissible to move it L’Tzorech Mekomo.


Or, if one sees a hammer in the room and it bothers him that it is there, he may decide to eat some walnuts, and now he may pick up the hammer to crack open the walnuts (assuming he doesn’t have a readily available nutcracker) and then, after using it, he may place it where it belongs.



Halachos for Thursday, December 8, 2022


1) A Kli SheMelachto L’Isur may be moved L’Tzorech Mekomo, if one needs the space it is occupying for a permissible use.


Thus, for example, if one is setting the table for a meal, and finds a pen, a flashlight, a calculator, or similar item on the table, the item may be picked up and moved off the table to enable the proper setting of the table.


2) Moreover, if you see a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur on the floor, in an area where people walk, and you are concerned that people may stumble on it and get hurt, you may pick it up and move it somewhere else.


This too is deemed L’Tzorech Mekomo, as you need the space where the item was to be clear and safe without obstacles.



Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, December 9, 2022 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1) A door attached to a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, such as the door to a washing machine or clothes dryer, that was left open, and is now in the way of people trying to walk past it, or if you are concerned that people may bump into it and get hurt, may be closed on Shabbos (assuming there is no light that will go on or off due to your closing it) as this too is deemed moving Muktzeh L’Tzorech Mekomo.


2) The same applies to a drawer filled with Kelim SheMelachtom L’Isur (such as a drawer filled with pens, scissors, telephone books, tools and other such items; most kitchens have such a drawer, and it is important to be conscious to not open that drawer on Shabbos, unless under permitted conditions)


If the drawer is open, and there is a concern that it will hurt someone, or it is blocking the usual passage in that area, it may be closed, as this too is deemed L’Tzorech Mekomo.



Halachosfor Shabbos Kodesh


1) A Kli SheMelachto L’Isur that is resting on a window sill, and thus preventing the window from being opened or closed, may be moved to allow for the opening/closing of the window. This too is deemed L’Tzorech Mekomo.


2) One who feels uncomfortable due to having a particular Kli SheMelachto L’Isur in a room on Shabbos (such as a cell phone or a computer that was left in the dining room from before Shabbos) may not move it, as despite it feeling like a dishonor to Shabbos, it is not deemed L’Tzorech Mekomo.


If one will hold back from inviting guests into that room, due to being embarrassed to invite them in with the Kli SheMelachto L’Isur there, many Poskim will indeed allow it to be moved and consider it moving L’Tzorech Mekomo.

For Halacha L’ma’aseh, a Rav should be consulted.



Halachos for Sunday, December 11, 2022


1) If a fan is blowing in the room, and one feels cold, he may move the fan out of the room, or turn it away from blowing in his direction.


This is considered moving it L’Tzorech mekomo, as he wants the place where he is sitting to become less cold, and more usable for him. (See Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchas Perek 20 footnote 22)


2) If one’s cell phone also serves as his alarm clock, and it started ringing on Shabbos, if it is disturbing him, or others, in the room, it may be picked up and moved to another room, as this is deemed a permitted L’Tzorech Mekomo situation. (Note: The alarm may not be snoozed or shut on Shabbos. Also, if the phone is plugged in to an outlet, it may not be unplugged in order to remove it from the room.)


Halachos for Monday, December 12, 2022


1) In situations where it would lead to a substantial monetary loss if a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur is not moved (and there is no Tzorech Gufo or Tzorch Mekomo reason to move it), according to some Rishonim there is an additional way to allow it to be moved, by placing a non-Muktzeh item on top of it, such as food, and then it would be permitted to move both items together.


2) This should only be relied upon in extenuating circumstances, where not moving it will result in a loss, as this leniency is not accepted by many Rishonim and Poskim. (See Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 26 and Sha’ar Hatziyun S”K 24)


Halachos for Tuesday, December 13, 2022


1) A Kli SheMelachto L’Isur is classified as such even if it was never actually used for a prohibited Melacha, provided that it is self-evident that this utensil’s purpose is for a prohibited Melacha.


2)  Thus, for example, a new pencil which was never yet used for writing, or a new pot which was never yet used for cooking, is still deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur and is Muktzeh. (See Tosefos to Shabbos 44b Dibur Hamaschil Lo)


Halachos for Wednesday, December 14, 2022


1) A new utensil which can equally be used for a permissible or a prohibited use, does not assume the status of Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, even if it was designated for a prohibited use, until after it was actuallyused for that use.


2)  For example, if one purchased a drinking glass with the intention to use it as a candle holder, it does not become Muktzeh merely due to the fact that he designated for this use.


Only after it is actually used for such a melacha, which is prohibited on Shabbos, does it then assume a status as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur. (See Biur Halacha Siman 279:6 Dibur Hamaschil Ner, quoting the Elya Rabbah)

Halachos for Thursday, December 15, 2022


1) If one permanently designates a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur to be used for a permissible use only, and will no longer use this particular utensil for its prohibited use, it loses its status as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, and henceforth will be deemed a  Kli SheMelachto L’Heter, and it will be permissible to move it for any reason. (See Chazon ish Orach Chaim Siman 4:1. This designation must be permanent; it is not adequate if it was only designated as such for a specific period of time)


2) Thus, for example, if a person designates a certain needle to always be used for removing splinters, or a certain pot to always be used as a serving bowl, they will be permissible to move on Shabbos for any reason.



Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, December 16, 2022 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1) Once a  Kli SheMelachto L’Isur was picked up to move or use in a permissible fashion (i.e. L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo) it may be taken to be placed in any desired location.


2)There is no need to put it down immediately in the first available location, and there is no need to drop it out of your hands to the floor, as would be the case with other classes of Muktzeh (Shuchan Aruch Siman 308:3. See also Mishna Berura S”K 13)



Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh


1) If a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur was picked up by mistake (i.e. not L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo), some Poskim rule that now that it is already in your hands it may be taken and placed in any desired location. (Ruling of the Mogen Avraham quoted in Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 13)


2) Other Poskim, however, rule that being that it wasn’t allowed to be picked up in the first place, it must now be dropped or placed in the first available location, and it doesn’t have the leniency that we give a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur when it was picked up in a permissible way. (Ruling of the Gaon of Vilna, quoted in Mishna Berura ibid. See also Chazon Ish Orach chaim Siman 49:8)




Halachos for Sunday, December 18, 2022


1) Some Poskim classify Tefillin as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, being that it is prohibited to don Tefillin on Shabbos and Yom Tov, and thus they may only be moved L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo. (Opinion of the Taz and the Magen Avrohom quoted in Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 24)


2) Other Poskim maintain that Tefillin are not Muktzeh as they are Kli SheMelachto L’heter, and may thus be moved for any valid reason. (See Rama Siman 308:4 where he allows it L’Tzorech, and doesn’t limit it to Tzorech Gufo or Mekomo only)


We generally rule stringently in this matter, unless in cases of great necessity, such as if Tefillin fall on the floor or are otherwise found to be situated in a disrespectful manner, then they may be picked up and placed in a more respectful location. (See Biur Halacha siman 31:1 and Pri Megadim; Mishbetzos Zahav Siman 308 S” K 3. See also Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 20 footnote 33.)


Halachos for Monday, December 19, 2022


1) If one has his Talis and his Tefilin together in one bag and he wants to use that Talis, but forgot to remove the tefilin from the bag before Shabbos, he may remove the Tefilin and use the Talis and the bag.



2) Doing this is considered moving it L’Tzorech Mekomo, and is therefore permissible, even according to the Poskim who consider Tefilin a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur.


Halachos for Tuesday, December 20, 2022


1) Pots and pans [which are used only for cooking] are considered Keilim SheMelachtam L’Isur, as their primary purpose is for cooking, a prohibited Melacha on Shabbos. (On Yom Tov, however, when it is permitted to cook, they are considered Kli SheMelachto L’Heter)

2) A pot that has cooked food in it becomes subordinate to the food, and is not Muktzeh and may be moved and used on Shabbos as long as the food is in it. (See Talmud Shabbos 123a regarding a Meducha Shel Shum, a garlic grinder. See Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 26; based on the opinion of the Rashba and other Rishonim)



Halachos for Wednesday, December 21, 2022


1) Pots and pans which are sometimes used for purposes other than cooking, e.g. for storing edible food items in them, according to some Poskim they are not considered Muktzeh.


Other Poskim, however, maintain that since the majority of its use is for cooking it still retains its status as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur. (See Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Siman 85:8 and Chayei Adam Klal 66:3. The Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 10 rules stringently)


2) The above applies even to pots which are commonly stored with their cooked contents in the refrigerator for a few days.


They still retain their status as being primarily for cooking. (See Sefer Chut Shani from Rav Nisim Karlitz Zatzal, Vol. 3 Perek 46)


Halachos for Thursday, December 22, 2022


11) The cover of a pot is considered part of the pot, and if a particular pot is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, so too is its cover. (See Pri Megadim; Mishbetzos Zahav Siman 277:8)


2) If a pot cover is removed in order to take out food from the pot, it may be replaced afterward, so long as there is still food in the pot, as that would be deemed L’Tzorech Gufo of the food.




Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, December23 2022 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1) A utensil which has two functions, one function that is permissible on Shabbos and another function that is prohibited on Shabbos, is classified based on its main function.


2) Thus, for example, a wristwatch that is also a calculator is permissible to wear and move on Shabbos, as its main function is for telling time, and thus it is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter.


Though the calculator is Batel, subservient, to the watch, in regards to moving and wearing it, of course, the calculator buttons may not be pressed or otherwise used on Shabbos.



Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh


1) Conversely, if the main function of the item is for a prohibited use and the secondary function is for a permitted use, it is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, and may not be moved on Shabbos, even for its permitted function.


2) Thus, for example, a cellphone which also serves as a clock to tell time or as an alarm clock may not be moved on Shabbos, as its primary function is as a phone, and thus it is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur. (Of course, L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo it may be moved, as we discussed previously)


Halachos for Sunday, December 25, 2022


1) A catalog, a flyer or a magazine dedicated to advertising items for sale may not be read on Shabbos, even if the reader has no intention of purchasing any of the items. (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 307. We will hopefully review this topic more in detail, B’Ezras Hashem, in the future)


2) Therefore, being that it is prohibited to read this on Shabbos, such a catalog, magazine or flyer may not be moved on Shabbos either, as it is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur. (In some cases, some Poskim may deem these Muktzeh Machmas Gufo, a more stringent class of Muktzeh than Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, due to their having no use at all on Shabbos. For Halacha L’Ma’aseh each individual should consult their Rav.)


Halachos for Monday, December 26, 2022


1) A brochure or flyer that is dedicated to providing information and solicitation for a charitable cause, is not Muktzeh on Shabbos, as on Shabbos it is permitted to read about, and even to discuss donating to a Tzedakah cause after Shabbos.


2) Even if the brochure or flyer contains in it a form to fill out with payment information (such as credit card number, contact info etc.) it is still permissible to move it and read the other information contained therein. 


Halachos for Tuesday, December 27, 2022


1) The primary purpose of an oven is for baking and cooking, a prohibited Melacha on Shabbos. Therefore, an oven is classified as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur.


2) The door of the oven is considered part of the oven, and is thus also classified as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur. 


This door may only be opened or closed if doing so L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo, such as opening it to take out food that is inside the oven, or to close it so nobody hurts themselves by walking into the open door.


The same guidelines would apply to a washing machine, a clothes dryer, a dishwasher and to similar appliances, as we discussed previously.


Halachos for Wednesday, December 28, 2022


1) Toys and other children’s games [which may be used on Shabbos] are not Muktzeh.


2) The Shulchan Aruch (Siman 308:45) rules that it is prohibited to play with a ball on Shabbos, as it is deemed like a stone, which is Muktzeh Machmas Gufo, a serious class of Muktzeh. (See Mishna Berura S”K 157)


However, the Rama (ibid) says that the custom is to be lenient and allow it, as it was manufactured for the purpose of playing with it at all times, and thus we cannot say that it was set aside to not be used on Shabbos. (See Mishna Berura S”K 158)


Many Poskim maintain that the Shulchan Aruch was referring to a ball that was made from paper or a rock (as was common in the olden days), buteven he would agree that the balls used nowadays, which are expressly manufactured for the purpose of playing are permitted.  (Ruling of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Zatzal, quoted in Shevus Yitzchok page 89)


For Halacha L'Ma'aseh, of course, each individual must consult their own Rav.


Halachos for Thursday, December 29, 2022


1)  Even if a ball is not deemed Muktzeh (as we saw yesterday) there are still many other considerations to keep in mind regarding balls and ball playing on Shabbos.


2) Adults, and children over Bar Mitzvah, should ideally not play ball on Shabbos. (See Mishna Berura Siman 338 S”K 21 quoting the MaHara Sason regarding not playing games even in the weekdays. See also Shu”t Or L’Tzion Vol. 2 Siman 42:5. See Talmud Yerushalmi Perek 15:3 that Hashem gave us Shabbos as a time to learn Torah. See also Ben Ish Chai, second year, Parashas Shmos in introduction that learning Torah on Shabbos is 1,000 times (!) as powerful as learning during the week. See also Talmud Yerushalmi Ta’anis Perek 4:5, cited by the Beis Yosef Orach Chaim Siman 308, regarding a city being destroyed due to ball playing on Shabbos, according to the interpretations of the Pmei Moshe and the Korban Ha’eidah there. See also Rokeach Hilchos Shabbos siman 55. See also Midrash Rabbah Eicha perek 2:4)


We will discuss younger children and ball playing tomorrow B’Ezras Hashem.



Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, December 30 2022 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1) According to many Poskim, children, under the age of Bar/Bas Mitzvah may play with a ball on Shabbos on smooth surfaces, such as on a table, on concrete, asphalt, tile or carpet. If doing so outdoors, it is only permitted in an area that has a kosher Eiruv.


Some Poskim maintain that soccer, and other games which involve rolling a ball on the floor may not be played on Shabbos, even on smooth surfaces. (See Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 158 and Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 16:6. If the game does not involve the ball rolling on the floor, some Poskim allow it on grassy surfaces as well. See ‘Children in Halacha’ from Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita, page 137)


Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh


1)  If a ball gets stuck in a tree or a bush, it is prohibited to get it out on Shabbos by shaking the tree or bush, by using a stick or by any other means. (See Mishna Berura Siman 336 S”K 3)


2) Organized ball games with proper teams, played on their designated fields (such as a basketball game on a basketball court or a baseball game on a baseball field etc.)  should be avoided on Shabbos, even for children, as it is considered Uvda D’chol (a weekday activity) and a Zilzul Shabbos (disrespectful to the sanctity of the Shabbos day) for these events to take place.


Attending a sporting event on Shabbos is prohibited. (This is the case even if the issues of purchasing tickets, carrying tickets and other Shabbos prohibitions are somehow avoided. See Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 16:9)


For Halacha L’Ma’aseh , of course, each individual should consult their own Rav.


Halachos for Sunday, January 1, 2023


1) Toys that make noise may be subject to the Halachos of Muktzeh.


If the primary function of the toy involves musical sounds, bells or whistles, even though children will often play with it without using the musical component, it is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, and may only be moved L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo


2) If the primary function of the toy involves non-musical noise, such as a rattle or a Gragger, some Poskim deem it a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter, while others maintain that this too is a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur (See Biur Halacha Siman 338:1 Dibur Hamaschil Asur)


Thus, it is best, when moving such a toy on Shabbos (to give it to a fussy baby, for example) to do it in a gentle way so that it does not produce any sounds while it is being moved.



Halachos for Monday, January 2, 2023


1) A toy which has the capability to make noises and/or music via pushing a button, but its primary function is to be played with without the noise, e.g. a toy car which has a button to sound a horn, is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter and may be moved on Shabbos.


2) If the noise or music that such a toy can make is produced electronically, and thus a biblical prohibition, it should not be directly given to a young child who will most likely press the buttons and produce the music. (If the child is below the age of Chinuch and takes it by himself, it does not have to be taken away from him, according to many Poskim. This is a lengthy topic of “Sefiyah”, which we will delve deeper into at a future opportunity B’Ezras Hashem)



Halachos for Tuesday, January 3, 2023


1)   Many Poskim permit the assembly of Lego pieces on Shabbos even if they are assembled very tightly and even if the item constructed is not broken apart right away. (Ruling of Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach, HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg , HaRav Nissim Karelitz Zichronam L'vracha and others; see Orchos Shabbos Vol. 1 page 287 footnote 86 where he writes that Rav Shlomo Zalmen permitted it but discouraged it nonetheless especially for adults. See also “The Shabbos Home” by Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita Vol. 2 page 426 footnote 53)


According to these Poskim, the lego is deemed a Kli SheMelacto L’Heter and may be moved on Shabbos


2) Other Poskim are stringent and prohibit anyone above the age of Chinuch from assembling Lego on Shabbos. (Ruling of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Zatzal quoted in Sefer Ashrei HaIsh; Shabbos Page 231-232 and in Orchos Shabbos ibid. )


According to these Poskim, the lego is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur and may not be moved on Shabbos unless it is L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo. (See Shu”t Igros Moshe Orach Chaim Vol. 5 Siman 22:27 that although one should not give children building toys such as Legos to play with on Shabbos, they aren’t Muktzeh as the children take them on their own to play with.)


For Halacha L’Ma’aseh every individual should consult their Rav.



Halachos for Wednesday, January 4, 2023


1) Regarding making jigsaw puzzles on Shabbos, some Poskim (including Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav Yosef Shalom Elyasiv Zichronam L’vracha) rule that all puzzles are prohibited to make on Shabbos.


Other Poskim allow all puzzles to be made on Shabbos. (See Shu”t Ohr L’Tziyon Vol. 2 Siman 272 and Shu”t Be’er Moshe Vol. 6 Siman 26. This was also the opinion of Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg Zatzal as quoted in “Children in Halacha” Page 140)


Other Poskim differentiate between puzzles that are in a frame and are stuck together very tightly, which they prohibit, and puzzles that have no frame and are looser, which they permit. (Opinion of Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal quoted in Shemiras Shabbos K’hilchasa Perek 16:23)


There is also an opinion that prohibits puzzles that form words and permits puzzles that only form pictures.


Some Poskim will allow it for children and prohibit it for adults.


For Halacha L’Ma’aseh, of course, each individual must consult their own Rav.


2) If the puzzle in question is one that is prohibited to assemble on Shabbos, it is best to treat it as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur and only move it if it it is L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo.  



Halachos for Thursday, January 5 2023


1) Utensils which are designated for life-saving purposes, such as equipment commonly used by doctors or medics to assist in diagnosing or treating seriously ill patients, are not deemed Muktzeh, and according to many Poskim are classified as Kli SheMelachto L’Heter. (See Talmud Chun 15b and Mogen Avrohom Siman 526:14 quotng the Ramban and Sha’ar Hatziyun Siman 308 S”K 13)


2) Similarly, a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur which has been permanently designated for assisting in life-saving uses, such as a needle designated for medical sutures or a scissor designated for surgical uses, becomes classified as a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter.




Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, January 6, 2023 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1) A mercury or other non-electronic thermometer may be used on Shabbos to check the temperature of an ill person, and is thus deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter. (See Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 40 footnote 3. See also Shu"t Yechave Da'as Vol. 4 Siman 29 and Shu"t Tzitz Eliezer Vol. 14 Siman 30)


2) A digital or other electronic thermometer may not be used on Shabbos, unless for a Choleh Sheyaish Bo Sakanah, where there may be danger involved in not checking his temperature (and no non-digital thermometer is readily available)


Some Poskim deem it a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, and thus it may only be moved L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo. Other Poskim, treat it like other medical equipment which is commonly used, and maintain that it is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter.


For Halacha L’Ma’aseh a Rav must be consulted.



Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh


1) A firearm or other weapon used for saving lives, in a place where it is common for enemies to attack, is classified as a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter.


In a place where it is not common for enemies to attack, if it is being used as a deterrent, some Poskim still classify it as a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter, while other Poskim, in this case, deem it a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur. (See Shmiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 20 footnote 28)


2) If the firearm is locked away in a safe or otherwise stored away, and the area isn’t one where it is common for enemies to attack, it is deemed Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis, a higher class of Muktzeh, and may not be moved [in a regular manner] even L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo.


Halachos for Sunday, January 8, 2023


1) A case designated for a laptop computer or another costly electronic item, may not be moved on Shabbos even if the Muktzeh item is not currently inside the case.


This empty case is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur.


2) While the laptop is stored inside the case, the case is a “Basis L’Davar Ha'asur” , a higher class of Muktzeh (which we will discuss more at length as we progress, B’Ezras hashem) and it may not be moved [in a regular manner] even L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo.



Halachos for Monday, January 9, 2023


1) To use a hairbrush on Shabbos, the following three conditions must be met:

a) It needs to have soft bristles so that pulling out hair is not inevitable (Pesik Reisha)

b) It must be used gently, as if it is used forcefully and excessively, hair will inevitably be pulled out, which is forbidden.

c) It should be a designated brush for Shabbos use and not the same brush used in the weekday.

(See Mishna Berura Siman 303 S”K 86 and 87)


It’s a good idea to test the brush before Shabbos to determine if indeed this particular brush, when used gently won’t pull out hairs, which is a biblically prohibited Melacha on Shabbos (Gozez)


This Halacha applies equally to men and women.


2) A hairbrush that does not meet the aforementioned criteria to allow it to be used on Shabbos, is classified as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, and should not be moved on Shabbos unless it is L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo.


Halachos for Tuesday, January 10, 2023


1) An umbrella may not be used on Shabbos, even within an Eiruv, and even if it was opened before Shabbos.


The exact reason for this prohibition is a subject of discussion among the Poskim, but virtually all Poskim concur that it has universally been accepted to prohibit its use on Shabbos under any circumstances (See Shu"t Noda B'Yehuda, Mahadura Tinyana, Orach Chaim Siman 30, Chazon Ish Orach Chaim Siman 52:6, Biur Halacha Siman 315 Dibur Hamaschil Tefach and Shemiras Shabbos K'Hilchasa Perek 24:15. See also Shu”t Rivevos Ephraim Vol. 7 Siman 105)


2) An umbrella is Muktzeh on Shabbos, as it is classified as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, and should not be moved on Shabbos unless it is L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo.


Halachos for Wednesday, January 11, 2023


1) It is prohibited for adults, as well as for children who have already reached the age of Chinuch, to ride a bicycle on Shabbos.


Why this is prohibited is a discussion among the Poskim. Some say due to Uvda D’Chol, some say it's Tikun Maneh as it will often require fixing, some say it was part of the Gezeira of riding animals, some say due to Choresh, but virtually all Poskim agree that it is prohibited. (See Kaf Hachaim Siman 404:8, Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 16:17, Shu”t Tzitz Eliezer Vol.1 Siman 21:27; Vol. 4 Siman 4:8 and Vol. 7 Siman 30, Shu”t Mishneh Halachos Vol. 7 Siman 71 and Shu”t Ohr L’Tzion Vol.2 Siman 42. See also Shu”t Yaskil Avdi Orach Chaim Vol. 3 Siman 12:5 regarding the opinion of the Ben Ish Chai and Sh"ut Yabia Omer Vol. 10 Siman 54:12 and 55:2)


Children may ride tricycles within an Eiruv.


If there is a bell on the tricycle it should be removed before Shabbos. (See Children in Halacha, from Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen, page 138. See also Chazon Ovadia; Shabbos Vol. 4 page 40)


Some Poskim also allow young children to use scooters, skateboards and skates on Shabbos within an Eiruv, as for them it is deemed a toy, while other Poskim are more stringent and deem it Uvda D’chol, a weekday activity. (See Shemiras Shabbos Kehilchasa Perek 16:18 and Piskei Teshuvos Siman 248 footnote 33)


For Halacha L’Ma’aseh every individual must consult their Rav.


2) Bicycles, scooters, skateboards and skates which are not used on Shabbos are classified as a Kelim SheMelachto L’Isur, and should not be moved on Shabbos unless it is L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo.


Halachos for Thursday, January 12 2023


1) If the teeth need to be brushed on Shabbos, according to many Poskim it may only be done softly, with a dry brush which is designated for Shabbos use. (According to some authorities, it has to even look different than the regular weekday toothbrush. See Shu”t Minchas Yitzchok Vol. 3 Siman 48 and 50 and Minchas Shlomo Vol. 2:35:3) in a way that will not cause bleeding.


Toothpaste may not be used according to Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal (Igros Moshe Orach Chaim Vol. 1 Siman 112) and most contemporary Ashkenazic Poskim. (See Shu"t Tzitz Eliezer Vol. 7:30:8. See also Shemiras Shabbos K'Hilchas Perek 14:9.  Rav Ovadia Yoseph Zatzal in Shu"t Yabia Omer Vol. 4 Siman 30 allowed the use of toothpaste.)


The brush may not be rinsed off after use, according to most Poskim, as doing so is preparing it for the next use, which will be after Shabbos.


Even though there may be permissible ways to do it, many scrupulous people avoid brushing their teeth on Shabbos with a toothbrush altogether.


Every individual should consult with their Rav for Halacha L'Ma'seh.


2) One who uses a toothbrush on Shabbos (in a proper way, as described above, after consulting with his/her Rav) can treat it as a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter.

One who does not, should treat it as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur



Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, January 13, 2023 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1) A telephone directory is deemed a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, as its primary function is to locate people’s phone numbers to call them, which is prohibited on Shabbos. (Some Poskim say it is prohibited [also] due to the Gezeira of reading ‘Shtarei Hedyotos’, while other Poskim reject that reason and deem it a simple Kli SheMelachto L’Isur. See Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 28:14. See also Sefer Shvus Yitzchok; Mukzteh Perek 2:4)


2) It is permitted to use the directory to locate an address that is needed on Shabbos, as doing so is deemed L’Tzorech gufo.


Once the needed address is located the directory should be put down right away as it may no longer be moved, as it is no longer L’Tzorech Gufo. (It is thus a good idea to use it for looking up the address in the place where it is usually kept, and not bring it to the table or another location to do this task, as then it will have to be left on the table.)


Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh


1) There is a discussion among the Poskim if a cookbook (or a recipe printed in an otherwise non-Muktzeh publication) may be read on Shabbos under certain conditions, if at all.


If reading it in preparation of cooking a meal in the future, all agree that it is prohibited. (See Shu"t Be’er Moshe Vol. 6 Siman 67 and Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 29:46)


If reading it for enjoyment or pleasure, many Poskim allow it. (See Shu”t Be’er Moshe ibid.)


If reading it to gain culinary skills and knowledge, some Poskim prohibit it (especially if this is done often and/or done in a group setting), while others allow it. (See Be’er Moshe ibid. and Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 29 footnote 116)


Each individual should consult their Rav for a psak halacha L'Ma'aseh.


2) If a cookbook is not being read under permissible conditions, it is best to treat it as a Kli SheMelachto L’Isur, and not move it on Shabbos unless it is L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo.


Halachos for Sunday, January 15, 2023


1) Some other common household items which are classified as Keilim SheMelachtom L’Isur include:

Matches and Matchboxes, Scales, can openers (according to the Poskim who do not allow using it on Shabbos; some do allow it), mops, ash trays, sifters, graters, sand timers, Potato peelers (according to the Poskim who do not allow using it on Shabbos due to Borer and other concerns; some, including Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal do allow it and deem it a ‘fancy knife’. On Yom Tov it may be used, and is not Muktzeh See Shmiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 4:10 and footnote 16), rolling pins, laundry detergent, empty purses and pocketbooks, garden hoses, and tape measures, just to list a few of the many items commonly found in many homes.


2) It is important to be educated – and to educate children and other family members –  as to what classification each utensil and common household item gets, so as not to inadvertently transgress the prohibition of moving and handling Muktzeh items on Shabbos.


Halachos for Monday, January 16, 2023


1)  As we mentioned at the onset of this topic, a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter, is a utensil whose purpose is to do a Melacha that is allowed to be done on Shabbos


2) Such a utensil may be moved and handled on Shabbos for any purpose, be it to use it, to protect it from getting stolen or ruined, or even to move it to tidy up the room.

However, if there is no purpose at all to moving it, it may not be moved. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 308:4. There are a few exceptions to this rule, as we shall see as we progress.)


Halachos for Tuesday, January 17, 2023


1) Though we learnt yesterday that a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter may not be moved if it is for no reason at all, there are a few exceptions to this rule.


2) Food items and Seforim (holy books) may be moved and handled on Shabbos without any restrictions.


Even if being moved for no specific reason at all, it is permitted. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 308:4. See Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 20 footnote 264 that this only applies to food that is ready to eat; it does not apply to food that is currently raw, inedible or otherwise not yet Halachically permissible to eat.)


Halachos for Wednesday, January 18, 2023


1) According to some Poskim, the dispensation for allowing food items to be moved even for no reason at all, also applies to plates, silverware, cups, the Challah knife and other commonly used food service items. (Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 23)


2) Other Poskim, however, do not apply this leniency to food service items and maintain that unlike food itself, food service items may only be moved and handled for a purpose, similar to other  Keilim SheMelachtom L’Heter. (See Sha’ar Hatziyun to Mishna Berura ibid. Os 21 that this seems to be the opinion of the Rambam)


Halachos for Thursday, January 19 2023


1) Some Poskim maintain that according to the opinion of those who allow food service items to be moved even for no purpose, so too, would that leniency apply to clothing and jewelry. (See Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 20:80)


2) This would apply to eyeglasses and wristwatches as well, and possibly to other common accesories that are worn.




Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, January 20, 2023 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1)  Often people fidget with items out of boredom or just to keep their hands occupied, but for no other constructive purpose, such as with a bottle cap, a pile of crumbs or a spoon that is lying on the table.


2) So long as the items in question are not otherwise Muktzeh (such as a pile of empty nutshells on the table) many Poskim will deem this an acceptable “purpose” to be handling a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter, especially if it would be difficult for this person to stop if he was told not to do it. (Ruling of Rav Chaim Kanievsky Zatzal in the name of the Chazon Ish, quoted in Orchos Shabbos Perek 19 footnote 108. See also Aruch Hashulchan Siman 308:15 that if moving for pleasure, it is permitted. This would seemingly include out of nervousness or boredom too. The Ben Ish Chai, Parshas Mikeitz Siman 1 rules otherwise and cautions against fidgeting with silverware and the like on Shabbos.)


The Chasam Sofer Zatzal would caution his family and his students against fidgeting with things and otherwise touching things for no reason, even during the weekday, so as to condition themselves not to touch or handle things for no reason on Shabbos. (Sefer Chut Shani Page 99)



Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh


1) If a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter is not needed now, but is being moved now so it will be available for use at a later time during the same Shabbos, it is considered moving for an acceptable purpose and is allowed. (Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 21)

2) However, if it is being moved on Shabbos so it will be available for use after Shabbos, it is not deemed an acceptable purpose to move it, as it is forbidden to prepare on Shabbos for after Shabbos.


Halachos for Sunday, January 22, 2023


1) The next category of Muktzeh that we will discuss is Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis (Literally translated as Muktzeh due to [fear of] monetary loss)


This is an item that people are careful with to not use for anything other than its intended use, as they are concerned that it may get ruined.(This does not necessarily have to be an expensive item; a credit card and a stamped envelope qualify for this classification. As we progress we will see other criteria as well that can impact the status of these items one way or the other)


2) This is a more severe category of Muktzeh than other types of Muktzeh, and such items may not be moved or handles on Shabbos, even if doing so L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 308:1.See Talmud Shabbos 157a that even Rebbi Shimon, who doesn’t prohibit moving most other categories of Muktzeh, agrees that this category is prohibited)


Halachos for Monday, January 23, 2023


1) Some Poskim maintain that Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis only applies to items which are otherwise classified as Kli SheMelacto L’Isur , and thus their status is elevated to a more severe Muktzeh of Machmas Chisaron Kis, but does not apply to items that are otherwise deemed Kli SheMelacto L’Heter (See Shu”t HaRosh Siman 22, Tosefos to Shabbos 46a, , Pnei Yehoshua Shabbos 46a and Shulchan Aruch HaRav Siman 308:4)


2) Other Poskim, however, maintain that all utensils can be classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis if they have the right criteria (as we shall discuss more in detail as we progress in this topic) , even if they would otherwise be deemed Kli SheMelacto L’Heter. (See Chazon Ish Orach Chaim Siman 41:7 and 43:16. See also Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 8)


Halachos for Tuesday, January 24, 2023


1) If one is not careful about a particular item to not use it for other uses besides its intended use, and doesn’t worry about it getting ruined or broken, it is not deemed Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis, even if this item is usually treated carefully by ther people.


The reason for this is that the classification of an item as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis is dependent on th how the owner treats it, not based on how others treat it. (See Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 6)


2) For example, if someone has an electronic item like an MP3 player, if he is careful to keep it in its case, not to leave it unattended on the table and the like, it will be classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis.


However, if he isn’t very careful with it, and often leaves it lying around, and doesn’t care if others touch it, it will not be deemed Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis, and only be subject to the rules of Kli SheMelachto L’Isur.


Halachos for Wednesday, January 25, 2023


1) A loose blank sheet of writing paper, according to many Poskim, is deemed Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis.


The reason for this is, despite it being inexpensive, people are careful with it to not get it creased or otherwise ruined, as these papers are designated for writing on and not for any other use. (See Mishna Berura Siman 308 S” K 3. See also Shu”t Igros Moshe Orach Chaim Vol. 4 Siman 72 where Rav Moshe Zatzal rules this way. See Halachos of Muktzeh page 84 where he quotes Rav Moshe Zatzal that even paper that one isn’t careful with will still be Muktzeh Machmas Gufo since it has no purpose)


2)  Other Poskim, however, rule that a single piece of blank paper is not Muktzeh at all, as people are not careful with it, especially nowadays, and it’s common to use it to clean a spill or other permitted uses. (Ruling of Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal quoted in Me’or Hashabbos Vol. 1 10:3. See also Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 20:19 where he deems it a Kli Shemelachto L’Isur. See also Shu”t Shevet Halevi Vol. 9 Siman 78)

Unlike regular writing paper, expensive stationary would be Muktzeh according to everyone, Machmas Chisaron Kis 

Halachos for Thursday, January 26, 2023


1) A blank notebook which is meant to write in, is classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis, as people are careful with it to keep it clean and un-creased for its intended use, and do not use it for any other uses other than writing.


2) Once some of the pages are already written on, and the pages that have writing on them are more valuable to you than the pages that are still empty (as opposed to just having some insignificant scribbling on them) , the entire notebook is no longer Muktzeh and may be moved and used on Shabbos.

According to some Poskim, it is best not to leaf through the blank pages in the notebook; only use it for, and handle, the pages that have writing on them. (See Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 20:84)



Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, January 27, 2023 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1) Envelopes which are designated for using to send letters via the postal service, and one is careful to not use them for any other purposes, are Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis.


2) If they are sometime used for other purposes, which are permitted on Shabbos, they are classified as Kli Shemelachto L’Isur, and may then be moved if it's L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo.


Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh


1) Postage stamps which are used to send mail are classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis, as people are careful with them that they shouldn’t get ruined, and they have no other use besides for being used to send mail.


2)  Postage stamps that are part of a collection, and are not designated for usage on a letter, are not Muktzeh, as they are just viewed as a hobby , for enjoyment, and that is permitted on Shabbos.


Halachos for Sunday, January 29, 2023


1) Business documents, contracts, certificates, bank statements, checkbooks, passports , credit cards, and the like, which people store in a safe pace and are careful to avoid them getting ruined are classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis.(See Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 20:20)


2) If one is careful with Tzedakah Receipts which the charity provides after a donation, in order to keep them in a safe place for use in tax preparation and filing, they are classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaorn Kis.


Similarly, if one is saving a retail receipt, as proof of purchase to be used to return the item, or for another reason, and does not want it to get ruined, it would be classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis (Receipts which are useless, and are going to be thrown out, are Muktzeh Machmas Gufo)


Halachos for Monday, January 30, 2023


1)  Identity cards, social security cards and driver’s licenses are classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaorn Kis,as people are careful with them, and keep them in a wallet or purse so that they should not get ruined. (See Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 20:6)


2)   A school report card which is sent by the school to parents to apprise them of their child’s academic progress is not Muktzeh and may be moved on Shabbos. (Some Poskim maintain that if it is a report card for secular studies only, and contains no grades regarding Limdei Kodesh and/or Midos, it may be prohibited to read on Shabbos. See Orchos Shabbos Perek 22 footnote 202)



Halachos for Tuesday, January 31, 2023


1)  A painting, framed photo or other piece of art, as well as a clock that hangs on the wall, which the owner is careful with so it doesn’t get ruined or broken, according to some Poskim is classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis, even if it is not expensive, due to the fact that it has a designated place where it was placed, and it is meant to stay there. (See Chazon Ish Orach Chaim Siman 43:16)


According to these Poskim even when they are not hanging on the wall, they retain this classification as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis, provided that care is exhibited with these particular item so that it should not get ruined while they are waiting to be hung.


2)Other Poskim are more lenient and do not consider these items Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis and deem them Keilim SheMelachtam L’Heter, unless the items are particularly expensive or fragile, in which case they agree that they would be Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis. (This was the ruling of Rav Moshe Feinstein; Igros Moshe Vol. 5 Siman 22:13 and 23:12, as well as Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, quoted in Shalmei Yehuda Siman 3:9. See also Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 20:22)


For Halacha L'Ma'aseh, of course, each individual must consult their own Rav.


Halachos for Wednesday, February 1, 2023


1) A vase or a crystal bowl or similar items whose purpose is for decoration may be moved on Shabbos, as it is deemed a Kli Shemelachto L’Heter.


2) Utensils which are intended for sale, and the owner is careful to not use these items, are classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis. (Rama Siman 308:1)


If , however, the owner is not particular about these items, and does not care if they are used, they are not Muktzeh. (See Mishna Berua Siman 308 S”K 7)


Some Poskim apply the same Halacha to utensils purchased or received as a gift, which the owner intends to return, exchange or re-gift, classifying them as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis, unless there is a fair chance that the owner will change his mind and use them instead of returning them. (Ruling of Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal quoted in Shulchan Shlomo Siman 308:1:7)



Halachos for Thursday, February 2, 2023


1)   Esrogim and which are slated for sale before Sukkos are classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis.


2)   An Esrog which was purchased for use on Sukkos, and the owner is very careful with it and tries to minimize the amount it is touched, to ensure it retains its beauty for Sukkos, is classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis.



Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, February 3, 2023 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1)  Food items that are intended for sale are not Muktzeh.


This is the case, even if they are on the shelf in a store, packaged and ready to be sold, they are still not Muktzeh, and the owner of the store, or anyone else who has permission my move, handle or eat these items.


2)  The reason for this is that despite these items being intended for sale, and thus having already been “Set aside” from use on Shabbos, a person never totally sets food aside, as there is always a chance that food items will be needed, and thus they are always classified as being needed on Shabbos. (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 310:2 and Mishna Berura S”K 4)



Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh



1)  A large, heavy piece of furniture, which people are careful to not move unnecessarily, due to concern that it will get damaged in the moving process, is classified as Mutzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis. (See Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 8)


2)  However, it is permitted to use this piece of furniture in its place. This includes placing items on it, opening its doors, drawers or other compartments, as in essence it’s a Kli Shemelachto L’Heter; only moving the entire thing is prohibited due to Chisaron Kis, because people are cautious when it comes to moving it.


A heavy piece of furniture which people are not careful with and don’t care if it’s moved, is not Muktzeh, and may be moved even if it requires a few people together to carry it. (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 308:2)


Halachos for Sunday, February 5, 2023


1) The next classification of Muktzeh that we will discuss is Muktzeh Machmas Gufo.


This refers to items that are not food or utensils and are intrinsically Muktzeh due to their having no permissible use on Shabbos, and thus they are “set aside” for the duration of Shabbos.


Common examples of this include rocks, sticks and money. (See Mishna Berura’s introduction to Siman 308 and Shulchan Aruch Siman 308: 7 and Mishna Berura S”K 34,)


2) Items that are Muktzeh Machmas Gufo are deemed a severe class of Muktzeh and may thus not be moved or handled on Shabbos, even if doing so L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo. (See Mishna Berura ibid.)


Halachos for Monday, February 6, 2023



Monday’s Halachos were some  Halachos/Minhagim  of Tu B’Shvat



Halachos for Tuesday, February 7, 2023


1) Even if one finds an acceptable use for an item that is Muktzeh Machmas Gufo – such as using a stone to hold open a door or a similar task – it still retains its status as Muktzeh.


2) The exception to the above rule is if the item was specifically designated for this permitted use before Shabbos.


This designation, in many cases, has to be a permanent designation and not just for one week. (We will B’Ezras Hashem discuss particulars of this designation process as we progress in this topic)


Halachos for Wednesday, February 8, 2023


1) Sand and dirt are classified as Muktzeh Machmas Gufo.


Thus, sand on a beach or earth from one’s garden, for example, as well as sand that was designated for building, may not be handled or moved on Shabbos.(See Shulchan Aruch Siman 308:38. See also Shu”t Shevet Haleivi Vol. 9 Siman 78)


2) Sand in a sand-box, designated for children to play with, is not Muktzeh, provided that it is very dry and does not clump together.


If, however, it is moist or firm and it is possible to dig holes in it that will retain their structure, and/or be possible to make mounds, it is prohibited to move, handle or play in or with on Shabbos. (See Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 143. and Siman 498 S”K 73. See also Mishna Berura Siman 321 S”K 50 that it may be a prohibition of Lisha) 



Halachos for Thursday, February 9, 2023


1) Money – coins and bills alike – is Muktzeh Machmas Gufo. (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 310:7)


2) It is prohibited to hold a child on Shabbos if the child is holding money in his hand. (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 309:1)

It is even prohibited, according to many Poskim, to hold a child’s hand and walk with him, on Shabbos, if he is holding money in his other hand, as we are concerned that if the money falls you will pick it up. (ibid.)




Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, February 10, 2023 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1) A fruit that is totally not ripe, and cannot be eaten in its current state, is Muktzeh Machmas Gufo.


2) If it is edible for animals in its current state, it's not Muktzeh, provided there are such animals around. (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 308:29)


Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh


1) If a fruit that was totally not ripe before Shabbos becomes ripe enough to eat on Shabbos, it loses its status as Muktzeh and may be moved.


2) Although the usual Halachic rule is that something that was Muktzeh at the onset of Shabbos retains its status as Muktzeh for the duration of Shabbos (Known in Halacha as Migu D’IskaTzai L’bein Hashmashos, IskaTzaei L’Kula Yoma) this is not the case for food which is usual to ripen during Shabbos. (We will B’Ezras Hashem discuss this more at length as we progress in this topic)


Halachos for Sunday, February 12, 2023


1) Raw food items that are not edible until they are cooked or baked are Muktzeh.


Some common examples include raw potatoes, uncooked rice, raw beans, baking powder, flour and dough.


2) Raw meat, chicken and fish should be treated as Muktzeh, unless they are in a state that it is commonly eaten (such as certain raw fish used nowadays in sushi) or in cases of necessity (such as transferring them from a broken freezer to a working one, to prevent financial loss) (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 308:31, Be’er Heitev Os 37 and Mishna Berura S”K 125-127)


For Halacha L’Ma’aseh, a Rav should be consulted.


Halachos for Monday, February 13, 2023


1) When removing food from the refrigerator or freezer, care must be taken to not move any Muktzeh items – such as raw beans or frozen poultry – while trying to remove non-Muktzeh items.


It’s a good idea to arrange the items, before Shabbos, in such a way that the Muktzeh items are in the back or otherwise in a place where they do not nterfere with the non-Muktzeh items.

2) This is especially important when the Muktzeh food item and the non-Muktzeh food item are in a refrigerator or freezer drawer together, where in many cases the entire drawer will become a Bosis L’Davar Ha’Asur (A base to Muktzeh, a class of Muktzeh that we will B’Ezras Hashem discuss more about as we progress in this topic) and it will be prohibited to open the drawer altogether, even for the purpose of removing the non-Muktzeh item. 


Halachos for Tuesday, February 14, 2023


1) Raw eggs are not Muktzeh on Shabbos, as they are able to be swallowed as-is, and doing so is common practice among Ba’alei Tefilah, cantors and others who do this to enhance their voices. (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 328:38)


2) Cooked food that is frozen is not Muktzeh.


This is the case even if they are not intended for use until after Shabbos, and even if they are removed from the freezer close to the end of Shabbos. (See Shuchan Shlomo Siman 318:35. See also Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 21:17)


Halachos for Wednesday, February 15, 2023


1) Animals are Muktzeh Machmas Gufo, and may not be moved or handles on Shabbos. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 308:39)

This applies to dogs, cats and any other pets which are held and handled during the week; on Shabbos they are Muktzeh. (See Igros Moshe Orach Chaim Vol 4 Siman 16. Although some suggest that Rav Moshe later changed his ruling and ruled more leniently, it is not clear that this is the case, and many of his students maintain that he did not change his psak. Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach and Chacham Rav Ovadiah Yosef Zichronam L'Vracha also ruled stringently. See Shmiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 27 footnote 96 and Shu”t Yabia Omer Vol. 5 Siman 26:3. In certain instances there may be leniencies, but each individual must consult their own Rav for Halacha L’Ma’aseh.)


2) A bird cage with birds is also Muktzeh, even though it is there for decoration, as is a fish aquarium.(See Shu”t MaHarach or Zarua Siman 82 quoting the Rosh and Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa Perek 27:27. See also Shu"t Az Nidberu Vol. 8 Siman 36 for a more leninet view. The cover of a fish tank may be lifted if doing so to feed the fish)


Halachos for Thursday, February 16, 2023


1) A roll of aluminum foil or cling wrap, a spool of thread, a roll of [attached] plastic tablecloths and the like, are Muktzeh, as they are not able to be used unless they are first cut, and cutting them on Shabbos is prohibited. (Even though many of these items can be used in their current state, without cutting them, it is not the usual way of using them and they will retain their status as a Davar Shelo Nigmerah Melachto, and thus be Muktzeh. This was the ruling of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Zatzal as quoted in Orchos Shabbos Perek 19 footnote 169)


2) Of course, pre-cut foil sheets, individual plastic table cloths and the like, are not Muktzeh as they may be used in this manner on Shabbos without any additional preparation.



Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, February 17, 2023 Double Portion L'Kavod Shabbos Kodesh


Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh


1) A roll of uncut toilet paper is not Muktzeh, as although it may not be cut on Shabbos, it can still be used as-is (i.e. without cutting it)  in the event that no cut toilet paper or tissues are readily available.


2) Furthermore, in extreme situations where one finds themselves with nothing to use except a roll of uncut toilet paper, there are permissible ways to cut it, such as with one’s elbow or with his teeth (K’Lachar Yad) , and ideally not on the perforations, as in situations of human dignity (Kavod Habriyos) certain Melachos were allowed in a roundabout way. (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 312:1 And Mishna Berura Siman 308 S”K 62. See also Sefer Chut Shani Vol. 3 page 58)


Of course, it is best to try to remember to prepare tissues or cut toilet paper before Shabbos so that the above situation doesn’t arise.


Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh


1) After washing Negel Vasser every morning, the water that was used should be discarded as they have a Ruach Ra on them (impure spirit)


2) However, this water is not Muktzeh, and thus if one washes in a basin near his/her bed, the basin may be lifted and the water spilled down the sink.

The reason for this is that although this water has an impure spirit in it, and thus it’s advisable (according to Kabalistic sources) to not use it for any other use, halachically there is no prohibition to use this water for another use. (See Biur Halacha Siman 338:8 Dibur Hamaschil Asur)


As this special month of Adar is upon us and the exalted day of Purim is just about two weeks away, we will take a break from Hilchos Muktzeh and delve in to some relevant and timely Halachos of this time period.


We will, B'Ezras Hashem, resume Halachos of Muktzeh at a later date.


The Halachos on this website are based on my personal understanding of the Halachic texts quoted, and are for learning purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.

DO NOT rely on them for Psak Halacha L'Maaseh.  If you have questions or require further source information, please email the question to and I will respond as soon as I can.  For a Halacha L'Maaseh Psak, please contact your local Orthodox rabbi.


All Halachos on this site were written from an Ashkenazic perspective and follow the rulings of Ashkenazic Poskim.  Though I endeavor to point out whenever Sephardic rulings and customs differ from what I write, by no means have I adequately researched the Sephardic point of view of any Halachos that I write and my dear Sephardic readers should please review all rulings with their own Chachamim.

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