Below are some of the most relevant Halachos as they pertain to Erev Pesach that falls out on Shabbos Kodesh (as it does this year, 5781). For the relevant Halachic zmanim as they pertain to any specific location please check your local shul or community calendar or visit This is just a quick review to help familiarize the reader with these Halachos, and is for learning purposes only.
For Halacha L’ma’she, as always, every individual should consult their own Rav.
This year, the Ta’anis Bechorim, the fast of the first-born, is observed on Thursday before Pesach. All first-born males should fast or participate in a Seudas Mitzvah, such as a siyum or a bris, where they may eat. If a Bechor did not fast or partake of Seudas Mitzvah on Thursday, he should do so on Friday.
Bedikas Chometz this year takes place on Thursday night, the eve of 13 Nisan. All Halachos of Bedikas Chometz that apply every year apply this year as well.
Mizmor Lesodah is recited in Pesukei D’Zimrah on Thursday as well as on Friday. Lamnatzeach is also recited.
The Chometz should be burned on Friday morning, ideally before the end of the 5th halachic hour. Only when Erev Pesach is Shabbos, if the Chometz was not burned on Friday before the end of the 5th halachic hour, it may still be burned all day, until sunset.
At the burning of Chometz do not say “Kol Chamira” the proclamation that annuls all your Chometz. This year, it is said on Shabbos.
When selling Chometz this year, it should be done on Friday before the 6th halachic hour. Make sure to exclude the Chometz that will be eaten on Shabbos.
On Friday it is permitted to take haircuts, shave, cut nails, do laundry and work all day, as the restrictions of a regular Erev Pesach do not apply.
Covering counters, tables etc. with silver foil, tape etc. should be done on Friday before sunset.
At the Shabbos meals there is a requirement to wash and eat bread. This poses a challenge this year for the Shabbos day meals, as being that it is Erev Pesach we cannot eat Chometz after the end of the 4th halachic hour, and it is also prohibited to eat Matzah on Erev Pesach (Surely by day after Chatzos and according to many Rishonim from daybreak. Some Poskim even prohibit Matzah on Friday night, the eve of Erev Pesach. See Shu”t Igros Moshe Orach Chaim Vol. 1 Siman 155 at length).
Some Poskim allow using egg matzah (As per the ruling of the Shulchan Aruch Siman 444:1) and many Sephardim follow this ruling, but many Ashkenazim do not accept this solution, as the Rama (ibid.) rules that it is not a good option. Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal (Igros Moshe ibid.) rules that egg Matzah is indeed a good option. Households with small children should definitely consider following this ruling, to avoid Chometz crumbs being spread all over the clean-for-Pesach home. Of course, for Halacha L’Ma’aseh every individual should consult their Rav.
If using egg Matzah, even though at other times the bracha may be Mezonos, when using at a meal and being Kovea Seudah on it, it requires washing, Hamotzi and Birchas Hamazon according to everyone. (See Igros Moshe ibid.) Even if using egg Matzah for the meals, it may not be eaten after the 10th hour of the day (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 444:1 and Mishna Berura S”K 7)
The prevalent custom in many homes is that they save a small amount of Challah (A little more than a K’beitzah for each person at the meal) and eat it carefully at the onset of the meal, and after it is done and they clean themselves off, they eat the rest of the “Kosher for Pesach” meal. If necessary, the second loaf for Lechem Mishneh may be a Pesach Matzah, which will not be eaten, but care must be taken to wrap it well to avoid making it Chometz. (See Shu”t Teshuvos V’Hanhagos Vol. 2 Siman 211:5. This Matzah is not Muktzeh, as it may be fed to small children. See Rama Siman 471:2)
When doing this, the Chometz must be consumed before the end of the 4th hour of the day. In order to accomplish this, the minhag is to daven early and then split the meal into 2 (one for Shabbos day meal and one for seudah shlishis) and be done with both meals before the end of the 4th hour. (See Mishna Berura Siman 444 S”K 8)
There must be a short break between the 2 meals, as to ensure there is no ‘Bracha She’aina Tzericha’ (See Mishna Berura ibid.) The Chazon Ish (Igros Chazon Ish Vol. 1 188) maintained that this break must be for half an hour. Other Poskim say it can be for 15 minutes, and some even say it can be much shorter. It is best to try and wait a full half hour if the time permits it. If possible, go outside and take a short walk to ensure a proper separation between the 2 meals.
Usually it is proper to eat Seudah Shlishis on Shabbos after Mincha. Being that this year Shabbos is Erev Pesach and we can’t eat Chometz after the end of the 4th hour, some Poskim allow it to be eaten earlier (See Mishna Berura ibid.)
However, some Poskim maintain that it should still be eaten after Mincha, and indeed eat a meal of fish or meat, or even fruit, but without bread, as is permitted by Seudah Shlishis, especially in extenuating circumstances. When eating Seudah shlishis later in the day, after Mincha, care should be taken not to eat too much, so that you have an appetite for the seder. (See Mishna Berura ibid.) For Halacha L’ma’aseh, of course, each individual should consult their Rav.
After eating the Challah, before continuing with the meal, the hands must we washed well, and the mouth rinsed out well. Do not wash hands in a sink that has already been made kosher for Pesach; wash in a restroom.
Any Chometz that is left over after the meals should be broken up into small pieces and flushed down the toilet. Alternatively, it may be given to an Aino-Yehudi. It should not be placed in private garbage bins on your property, as that will not be sufficient to remove it from your possession. The Chometz must be gotten rid of before the end of the 5th hour.
After the Chometz is properly disposed of, the text of ‘Kol Chamira’ as well as the ‘Yehi Ratzon’ following it (as printed in most Siddurim) is recited, so that you are mevatel (annul) any Chometz that may still remain in your possession. All members of the family should recite (and understand the meaning of) this text.
Preparation of the Seder items should ideally be done on Friday.
If the Zeroah or Beitzah (shank bone and egg for the Seder plate) was not prepared on Friday, they may be roasted on Motzaei Shabbos right before the Seder. If this was done, the Zeroah must be eaten on Sunday (as it should not be eaten on the night of the Seder. See Shulchan Aruch Siman 476:1) and the egg should be eaten either at the Seder or on Sunday during the day (and not saved for the second Seder).
If Charoses was not prepared on Friday, it may be prepared before the Seder on Motzaei Shabbos, but it should be grated with a Shinui. Also, only the amount necessary for the Seder can be prepared, and not a larger batch.
If the horseradish was not grated on Friday, it may be grated on Motzaei Shabbos before the Seder, with a shinui.
The romaine lettuce should ideally be checked on Friday, as properly cleaning and checking it on Yom Tov is problematic. If a bug is found on Yom Tov, it may only be removed together with a piece of the lettuce.
The romaine lettuce should not be left to soak over the entire Shabbos, as if it was soaking for 24 hours or more it is deemed Kavush, pickled, and is no longer valid for use as Maror. (See Mishna Berura Siman 473 S”K 38)
Before women start preparing for the Seder on Motzaei Shabbos, they should first say ‘Baruch Hamavdil Bein Kodesh L’Kodesh’. (See Mishna Berura Siman 299 S”K 36)